Improving the performance of district heating systems in Central and Eastern Europe
The objective of KeepWarm has been to accelerate cost-effective investments in the modernisation of District Heating Systems (DHS). The project brings together eleven project partners from a variety of relevant sectors from seven countries across Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of the initiative has been to modernise DHS around the whole region and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving system operations and promoting a switch to less-polluting sources, like renewables.
The project addresses (1) the potential of energy efficient district heating (DH) systems and (2) the demand of DH operators, policy-makers, engineers, urban planners, and other players, in particular by making recommendations to national governments and local authorities on how to greater integrate DH retrofit in climate action plans and by providing a guidance booklet to make existing DH networks more efficient and sustainable. The project partners have strived to ensure that best practices for environmental-friendlier heating and cooling will be taken up across Europe, replicating KeepWarm’s approach in other countries and regions, even beyond the end of the project.
Key KeepWarm resources:
Decarbonising DH : Facilitating the uptake of renewable energy
Especially for DH operators :
Sustainable Business Model Canvas

Especially for policy makers :
Multi-level policy plans for DH

Guidance for all : Sustainable Adoption Roadmap and planning tools
Find additional KeepWarm project results and resources of interest for district heating stakeholders sorted according to the larger thematic areas below.