KeepWarm results, resources and offered services
Regulatory framework and barriers review for retrofitting DHS: An overview of the existing regulatory and policy framework in participating countries, which is influencing the retrofitting and modernisation of DHS.
Action plans for retrofitting of DHS: This document summarises the action plans for retrofitting of DHS that were developed with relevant stakeholders during expert meetings on national or regional levels, to enable efficient and successful implementation of different DHS retrofitting approaches.
Support to 2nd comprehensive assessment: The document contains a detailed description of the CA process in accordance with the amended Annex VIII to Directive 2012/27/EU and provides recommendations for district heating companies, contractors and other stakeholders for its quality performance.
DHS recommendations for strategy/plan integration: Recommendations for support of DHS retrofit integration in multi-level policy plans. An overview and guidance to authorities, energy agencies and other institutions responsible for energy planning as well as investors on approaches and strategic tools for planning and implementing more effective solutions.
Outline to the Sustainable Adoption Roadmap:
This guide is meant to inspire the owners/operators of diverse types, sizes and development-stages of DHSs to implement similar measures to the ones developed during the KeepWarm project in their own communities. It also aims to stimulate public authorities, policy-makers, investors and other stakeholders to streamline and prioritise DH retrofits by establishing those policies, regulations, funding schemes, etc. needed to facilitate and replicate DH modernisation all across Europe.
For a deeper approach on the topic, please check the full technical Sustainable Adoption Roadmap.
The first KeepWarm Policy Spotlight summarises the revised EU Renewable Energy Directive (REDII). The main elements for Member States on further development of the (district) heating and cooling sector are covered in Articles 23 and 24.
The second KeepWarm Policy Spotlight summarises the revised EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED II). The main elements for Member States on further development relevant to the (district) heating and cooling sector are covered within Articles 7 and 9-11.
Keeping our cities sustainably warm:
Inspiring the Efficient Renewal of District Heating for the Just Transition
Let your district heating (DH) policy be inspired by our final conclusions event (on 12 November 2020), which explored the role which DH has, especially for DH retrofits, in relevant strategies at multiple levels of governance.
Our high-level speakers representing local to European institutions discussed DH’s crucial role in contributing to a Just Transition, Green Recovery and climate/energy goals. Joined by 170+ heating and energy experts, this online gathering fostered interactive dialogue on scaling up implementation through the strategic acceleration of policy and financial frameworks which suitably support DH retrofits. Watch it here or scroll through the agenda and presentations.
More results coming soon!...
Additional useful resources
The resources listed here are mainly related to ongoing EU energy and climate policies and their effect on district heating sector. Also, some of them are looking at additional regulations at national level related to specific renewable energy sources used for district heating.
- The Role of Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Achieving 2050 Goals: A Policy Positioning Paper (2020, ReUseHeat project)
- European Energy Transition 2030: The Big Picture - EU energy and climate goals; Transformation of energy systems; Enabling trends and investment costs (2019, Agora Energiewende)
- Guidelines for the Energy System Transition - Recommendations for Local and Regional Policymakers - Policy recommendations; Strategic energy planning (2018, Heat Roadmap Europe)
- Thermal Energy Supply and Demand in Europe - EU policies; National climate and energy plans; Regional and local plans (2018, THERMOS)
- Guidelines for the Energy System Transition - The National Aspects of the HRE 2050 Scenario and Associated Policy Recommendations - Policy recommendations; Cost-effective options; Decarbonisation of DHC system (2018, Heat Roadmap Europe)
- Digital roadmap for District Heating and Cooling - Production; Distribution; Buildings; Integration of mulitple energy sources; Barriers for roll-out of technologies (2018, Storm-DHC)
- Strategic Policy Priorities for Renewable Heating and Cooling in Europe Barriers; Policy recommendations; Strategic priorities; Financing challenges and market failures (2016, FROnT)
- Strategic Policy Priorities for Renewable Heating and Cooling in Europe - Barriers; Policy recommendations (2014, FROnT)
- Guideline on drafting heat/cold supply contracts for small DHC systems - Supply contracts; Regulations; Case studies (2017, CoolHeating)
- Inventory of applicable quality standards for local woody bio-energy supply chains in Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia - Wood fuels; Biomass supply chains (2015, Biores)
- Status Report on sustainability in forestry and along woody bio-energy supply chains in Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia - Wood fuels quality; Biomass certification (2015, Biores)
- Reports on evaluation of market barriers for Geothermal District Heating in Europe - Market barriers; Regulatory barriers (2013, GeoDH)
- Regulatory Framework for Geothermal District Heating Systems in Europe - Geothermal resources; Ownership; Licensing system (2013, GeoDH)
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