Training materials and Events
This page contains training materials and resources from KeepWarm events (on-line seminars, virtual study visits, national e-seminars). Use the lessons learned and materials from KeepWarm to guide your own training course, and croll down to find presentations, videos and more information from our project events.
Training Package: This is a summary of all training materials used by KeepWarm, some of them developed by partners themselves, others are adapted and translated open source materials. They can all be found on partners' country pages in their respective languages. Additionally, a Long-term questionnaire has been distributed to explore longer-term exploitability of KeepWarm services offered now and into the future.
Training needs assessment and plan: This document is a description of the training needs of participating DHS and an overview of the trainings that will be held on the different topics.
Report of trainings conducted: This deliverable reports about the trainings that resulted of the needs assessment of DHS. The materials used during the trainings can be found on partners' respective country pages.
Capacity Building materials in other languages:
Online Seminars
"Keeping our cities sustainably warm – Inspiring the Efficient Renewal of District Heating for the Just Transition"
On Thursday 12 November from 9h - 16h00, we came together for an inspiring virtual event to wrap up the KeepWarm story. Our high-level speakers, joined by 170+ heating and energy experts, discussed DH’s crucial role in contributing to a Just Transition, Green Recovery and climate/energy goals and policy and financial frameworks which suitably support DH retrofits.
Check this page for the complete agenda, presentations, or to watch the session!
Online seminar N°2 "Keeping our cities renewably warm" on 8 October 2020
The session emphasised the great potential of exploiting solar thermal and biomass resources (as well as other RE like heat pumps) by forward-thinking DHSs. It focused on relevant examples from four KeepWarm target countries: Croatia, Latvia, Slovenia and Serbia. The common thread in all four cases was about DHS RE-retrofits from their distinct national perspectives, and with insights applicable to other countries and from other RE sources. KeepWarm also formally launched its new RE-DH guidance booklet to inspire strategic decision-making and further replication/investments for integrating/switching to RE-DH.
- Programme
- Presentation and launch of the KeepWarm Brochure
- The implementation of solar energy in DHS, cases from Croatia, Marko Čavar, REGEA
- The use of biomass and smart devices in District Heating in Latvia, Signe Mārtiņkrista, ZREA
- Role and contribution of DH to the development of sustainable heating in Slovenia, Nejc Jurko, KSSENA and Jure Čižman, JSI
- The Priboj heating plant in Serbia and its path towards the complete transition of heating from fossil fuel to biomass wood chips, Goran Živković, Vinča Institute
Materials from online seminar N°1 "Keeping our cities efficiently warm", 10 July 2020
- Programme
- Optimisation of biomass district heating and their economy in Austria: Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Styria, Klaus Engelmann
- Modernisation of the heat distribution network in DHS Brno, Czech Republic: Association for District Heating of the Czech Republic, Martin Hajek
- Energy Efficiency Investment in District Heating in Ukrainian cities: LLC KT-Energy, Kyryl Tomliak
- Presentation and launch of the “DHS Showroom”, which highlights the work being done by all 23 DHS participating in the project
Virtual study visits
Virtual regional study visit: Croatia, Slovenia & Serbia - 10 September 2020
With all physical meetings now taking place in virtual form, KeepWarm project partners REGEA, VINČA and KSSENA organised a successful online study visit between twinned District Heating Systems (DHS) in 3 KeepWarm countries on 10 September.
The 30 participants, including project partners and representatives of all heating plants in these three countries, exchanged on the current situation in district heating systems in Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia. This included a focus on current legislation and future obligations such as energy efficiency, integration of renewable energy sources, transparency and improving general communication between district heating and local / regional / national authorities, with the aim to identify the main problems in the sector and their possible solutions.The second (main) part of the meeting belonged to the "twinning" activities through the KeepWarm project with the aim of fostering the cooperation between previously selected twin partners.
More information about this e-seminar can be found here.
Watch the video here and all presentations of this virtual study visit can be found below.
DH sector in Serbia (Dejan Stojanović – TOPS)
DH sector in Croatia (Marko Čavar - REGEA)
3DH sector in Slovenia (Nejc Jurko – KSSENA)
Pilot projects: | |
DHS Velika Gorica, Croatia (HEP Toplinarstvo) | DHS Zaprešić, Croatia (HEP Toplinarstvo) DHS Nova Varoš, Serbia (Nenad Todorović) |
Pilot project DHS Ptuj,Slovenia (Franci Voglar) DHS Priboj, Serbia (Marko Janjušević) | DHS Samobor, Croatia (HEP Toplinarstvo) DHS Velenje, Slovenia (Ervin Miklavžina) |
Final remarks and conclusion (Marko Čavar – REGEA)
Series of e-seminars on challenges & opportunities for the modernisation of DHS in Latvia (June 2020)
Inspire Event 1: National policy and legislation, cooperation between heating companies and national/municipal authorities, availability of EU funds, investment opportunities
10 June 2020 (in Latvian)
All the presentations of this e-seminar can be found on the Latvian country page.
Inspire Event 2: Future challenges and opportunities for district heating
17 June 2020 (in Latvian)
All the presentations of this e-seminar can be found on the Latvian country page.
Inspire Event 3: Challenges and opportunities for district heating system modernisation in Latvia
30 June 2020 (in English)
All the presentations of this e-seminar can be found on the Latvian country page.
Series of e-seminars on district heating modernisation in Ukraine (July 2020)
Inspire Event 1: DH modernisation projects by KeepWarm partners in four Ukrainian cities
9 July 2020 (in Ukrainian)
More information about this e-seminar can be found here.
All the presentations of this e-seminar can be found on the Ukrainian country page.
Inspire Event 2: Best practices in district heating system modernisation, green transition and climate policy
16 July 2020 (in Ukrainian)
More information about this e-seminar can be found here.
All the presentations of this e-seminar can be found on the Ukrainian country page.
=> The next e-seminar in this series will be devoted to Proposals for the national action plan on district heating modernisation developed within the KeepWarm project and will be held on Thursday 23 July 2020 (in Ukrainian)
Inspire Event 3: Proposals for national District Heating action plan discussed in Ukraine
23 July 2020 (in Ukrainian)
More information about this e-seminar can be found here.
All the presentations of this e-seminar can be found on the Ukrainian country page.
=> The next e-seminar in this series will discuss District heating modernisation in Ukraine and will be held on 6 August 2020 in English.
Inspire Event 4: District Heating modernisation in Ukraine
6 August 2020 (in ENGLISH)
More information about this e-seminar can be found here.
All the presentations of this e-seminar can be found on the Ukrainian country page.
KeepWarm Inspire Event in Serbia (October 2020)
7 October 2020 (in Serbian)
Additional information on the event can be found here (in Serbian).