Managerial Topics
Topic/ Language/ Author
Non-financial criteria during state procurement and investment projects implementation (Ukrainian); by Anastasiya Klimina, GoLocal
Training duration (hrs)
1 hour
Possibilities for applying non-financial criteris, including energy efficiency and environmental criteria, during procurement process; online educational training on green public procurement and the possibilities to use free educational and other supporting materials; examples of public procurements with the application of non-financial criteria in Ukraine
Training is suitable for
Managerial staff, administrative staff, business staff
Commercial metering of heat energy (Ukrainian); by Volodymyr Galaniuk, Report Support Team of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction
1 hour
Information on the provisions of the Law of Ukraine On Commercial Metering with discussion on the processes for the installation of heat meters and heat cost allocators with focus on the regulatory provisions allowing individual heat energy accounting for billing purposes, including the methodology for heat cost allocation and responsibilities of different parties involved in the process
Managerial staff, administrative staff, business staff
Installation of heat cost allocators in multi-apartment buildings - Experience of Kherson city (Russian); by Oleksandr Skorohod, Teplotechnika
1 hour
Experience of heat cost allocators installation in a multi-apartment residential building in Kherson city - this is the first successful example of heat cost allocators installation and use for billing by district heating company; information on the benefits of individual heat energy metering for the consumers with focus on the recommendations for the improvement of the methodology defining the rules for heat cost allocation
Managerial staff, administrative staff, business staff
Carbon tax for biomass-based heat energy generation - Reforming potential (Ukrainian); by Tamara Burenko, State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings of Ukraine
1 hour
Information on the state policy to support energy efficiency improvements at industrial and energy enterprises, including the propose reform of a carbon tax mechanism and creation of a special state fund for partial compensation of energy efficiency investment; information on the efficiency of environmental tax revenues use in Ukraine with discussion on carbon tax exemptions for the enterprises using biomass as a fuel
Managerial staff, administrative staff, business staff
Requirements of EU legislation on renewable energy use and biomass certification (Ukrainian); by Iryna Sysoeva, State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings of Ukraine
1 hour
Current status of biomass market in Ukraine and national goals on increasing biomass use with regulatory procedures on approving the fuel as an alternative fuel and Ukrainian laboratories performing biomass fuel analysis and focus on the draft law on biomass market establishment, requirements for biomass quality, and sustainability criteria incl. a timeline for biomass fuel certification introduction in Ukraine
Managerial staff, administrative staff, business staff
Instruments of successful communication: basic requirements for communication, customer communication tools, key topics for customer communication for district heating operators (Ukrainian); by Viktoriya Yakovleva, Communication Expert
4 hours
Basic requirements for communication, customer communication tools, key topics for customer communication for district heating operators
Managerial staff, administrative staff, business staff