Financial Topics

Topic/ Language/ Author

The current financial status of district heating systems operators and perspectives for its improvement (Ukrainian); by Serhiy Dunailo, Inter-industry Association Ukrteplokomunenergo

Training duration (hrs)

1 hour


Current technical and financial conditions of Ukrainian district heating companies with focus on the reasons, which resulted in growing debts levels in the district heating sector, including approval of heat energy tariffs below the actual production costs, penalties, and ineffective state subsidies scheme

Training is suitable for

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff

Justification of approval of heat energy prices in heat supply sector: legislative base - Main requirements for the tariff structure and stages of tariffs approval (Ukrainian); by Olena Nych, Department of Price Formation and Financial Management of the Institute of Local Development

1,5 hours

Legislative base in the area of heat energy tariffs approval and focuses on recent and planned amendments incl. a detailed comparison of existing and new regulatory provisions

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff

Changes in the system of tariff justification and approval due to the enforcement of the Law of Ukraine on Utilities Sector (Ukrainian); by Olena Nych, Department of Price Formation and Financial Management of the Institute of Local Development

1,5 hours

Provisions of the new Law of Ukraine on Utilities Sector with focus on the regulatory changes in secondary legislation stemming from the enforcement of the new law

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

Incentive-based tariffs in the heat energy sector (Ukrainian); by Olena Nych, Department of Price Formation and Financial Management of the Institute of Local Development

1 hour

Legislative provisions covering incentive-based tariffs in heat energy sector with focus on the differences between incentive-based tariffs and other schemes of heat energy tariffs approval - according to existing legislation of Ukraine, incentive-based tariffs could only be applied for heat energy transportation tariffs; conditions for transition to incentive-based tariffs and relevant regulatory base

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

Financial planning and capital investment management (Ukrainian); by Tetiana Sagat, Minicipal Enterprise of Ternopil City Council Ternopilmiskteplokomunenergo

1 hour

Municipal policy and key plans in the area of district heating system modernization in Ternopil city incl. the experience of cooperation with different international financial organizations and other donors in implementing district heating modernization projects with focus on the importance of financial planning and investment management to ensure timely implementation of the projects and minimize financial costs

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

1 hour

Experience of Zhytomyr city in attracting financial resources into modernization of municipal infrastructure, including heat energy generation sector with focus on practical aspects of project implementation and management; discussion about key risks and bottlenecks in cooperation with international financial institutions

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

1 hour

Municipal policy and key plans in the area of district heating system modernization in Bila Tserkva city with the key risks in project implementation, including ensuring municipal council approvals, timely conclusions of necessary agreements, and quality control with focuses on the importance of efficient cooperation between municipal authorities and DHS operators to ensure securing of finance and implementation of the projects

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

Methodology for the development of heat supply schemes for human settlements (Ukrainian); by Volodymyr Galaniuk, Report Support Team of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction

1 hour

Existing legislative and regulatory documents defining rules for district heating systems development plans preparation with focus on the proposed changes to district heating development planning, which includes city zoning and establishment of district heating only zones, heat energy demand evaluation, definition of efficient heating systems, etc.; information on international experience in district heating development planning

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

The Private Financing Advisory Network (Russian); by Oleksandr Moroz, PFAN

0,5 hour

Possibilities for cooperation with The Private Financing Advisory Network, which is create to accelerate investment in climate and clean energy projects

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

Preparation of business plans - Business plan structure (Ukrainian); by Mykhailo Babenko, CFA

1 hour

Typical structure of a business plan and business plan preparation process; content of each main section of a business plan, including executive summary, company and products/services characteristic, market and competitors analysis, production, marketing and organizational plans, as well as financial analysis, risk assessment, and description of social and environmental impacts

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

1 hour

Structure of a financial model and description of it key blocks with the aspects related to input data justification, consideration of financing structure, project timeline, and key financial indicators

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

1 hour

Key types of barriers that should be considered during business planning process and analysis of modernization projects - types of barriers discussed include technical capacity, financial and economic barriers, administrative barriers, customers preferences, as well as internal organizational capacity of the company; definition of opportunities for modernization projects and stakeholders analysis process

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff 

Building a business model for the district heating operator (Ukrainian); by Mykola Shlapak, KT-Energy LLC

1 hour

Typical model of a business model canvas with definition of the value proposition of district heating companies and discussion on its possible extension (e.g. by provision energy efficiency services, in-building maintenance services, etc.); description of key business canvas blocks, including infrastructure (key partners, key activities, key resources), customers (communication, categories, channels), and finance (cost and revenues); extension of a traditional business model canvas, which covers social and environmental cost and benefits of business activities

Managerial staff, administrative staff, business support staff