Managerial Topics

Topic/ Language/ Author

Herz in the systems of heating, cooling and air conditioning (Serbian); by Željko Marković, Herz Amaturen company

Training duration (hrs)

1,5 hours


Modern solutions of the company in the application of regulation fittings in order to save energy and heating costs

Training is suitable for


1,5 hours

Guidelines and recommendations for the organization of heat supply in densely populated rural areas are given, such as those in the environment of the training venue

Business support staff

1,5 hours

Condition and development of district heating in Serbia, measures of modernization, reconstruction and rehabilitation of heat sources, cost-effectiveness of biomass and RES use, as well as problems and obstacles for its more intensive application in the heating plants of Serbia, etc.; cost structure in the preparation of this fuel and its price competitiveness, incentive measures and social sustainability of biomass application and production for heating

Managerial staff

1,5 hours

Environmental efficiency of RES, adopted legal international frameworks, CDM clean development mechanism methodology and the purpose of its implementation, ecological sustainability of biomass production, both forestry and agrarian (with focus on this other as the most abundant in domestic potential), CO2 emissions and etc. The presentation also lists some possible negative effects of biomass combustion such as nitric oxide, NOx, particles, PM, and PAH emissions, and how to reduce and overcome these effects

Managerial staff

1,5 hours

Review of biomass-related Serbian strategic documents, some of the solutions for removing those elements from biomass that disturb the combustion process and cause the ash bonding on the heating surfaces of boiler furnaces and tests carried out at the Vinča Institute to overcome these problems; recommendations for long-term security of agricultural and wood biomass for energy needs

Managerial staff

Catalog of agricultural and wood biomass products (Serbian); by Branislav Repić, KeepWarm

1,5 hours

Details in the method of categorization of biomass that is applied in Serbia, with the aim of
- establishing a biomass market as a raw material for energy production
- easier database creation for trading on the biomass market
- a better understanding of the characteristics of the products traded

Managerial staff

1,5 hours

Overview of activities in the process of preparing the construction of installations using renewable energy sources, overview of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia concerning the use of biomass as fuel for energy production

Managerial staff

1,5 hours

Details about the techno-economic analysis of the fuel switching for heating of the Vinča Institute from the oil to the wood chips, based on the analysis of the savings in difference in the fuel price; based on the analysis carried out, it is undoubtedly concluded that the idea of replacing old boilers with a new biomass boiler is fully justified - this justification is reflected in the very fast economic cost-effectiveness of this project, ranging from 2.9 to 4.5 years, depending on the available solutions application, which is an impressive figure for energy projects

Business support staff

1,5 hours

Details of the contract and the points in it that heating plants need to focus when concluding a deal with a biomass fuel supplier

Managerial staff

Climate change-legal frameworks (Serbian); by Borislav Grubor, KeepWarm

1,5 hours

Climate change reports, diplomatic influences in the world for conflict climate change, instruments applicable to reduction GHG gases, bit elements for Serbia
