Financial Topics
Topic/ Language/ Author
Alternative to financing of infrastructure projects and Public-Private Partnership (Latvian); by Matiss Paegle, BaltCap Infrastructure Fund
Training duration (hrs)
1 hour
BaltCap infrastructure fund – its value, financing conditions; type of infrastructure projects for what finance is approved, public private partnership (PPP); Central Finance and Contracting Agency services of Republic of Latvia – in field of PPP, myths and benefits of PPP, costs profile of PPP, examples of implemented PPP projects also un district heating systems
Training is suitable for
DHS owners and staff, technical students
An experience of Talsu Bio-Energija Ltd. on use of solar collectors combining with DHS/ thermal networks & on attracting finance via Altum grant (Latvian); by Janis Zomerfelds, Talsu Bio-Energija Ltd.
2 hours
Company`s development towards use of RES, including solar energy, use of solar energy not only for heating, production of electricity – as economic gain for company; application to ALTUM (a state-owned development finance institution, which offers state aid for various target groups with the help of financial tools) grant for elaboration of energy audit for feasibility study on potential investments in relation to consumption of energy resources (reconstruction of boiler house): in amount of 85% with provision to invest in the project 25 times more than received grant for energy audit; company is the first in Latvia, participating in such kind of grant
DHS owners and staff, technical students
An experience of Ventspils Siltums Ltd. on construction of waste derived fuel regeneration facilities in Ventspils city (Latvian); by Arnis Uzaris, Ventspils siltums Ltd.
1 hour
Development and transition to alternative fuel (biomass); realised investment projects; direct contracts with customers – as benefit; idea of waste derived fuel regeneration facilities project and its status – the plan to built new boiler house, where as fuel will be used fuel derived from waste in order to solve the problem of utilisation of municipal waste of Ventspils city (Initiator of the project is Ventspils city utility company in charge of waste management); benefits of the project
DHS owners and staff, technical students
Economic assessment of investment projects (Latvian); by professor Gatis Bazbauers, Riga Technical University
2 hours
Financial analysis and investment assessment - basic principles; simple payback; opportunity costs; discounting - current Value of Future Revenue; Net Present Value calculation; Internal Rate of Return; Profit Index method or PI method; accounting Rate of Return and Return on Capital Employed; summary on methods of economic assessment; project financing scheme; captive capital price; project financing scheme; “Leverage principle”; how to take into account inflation; stages of investment assessment; determination of the amount of capital investment of the project; exponential cost assessment method; determination of the amount of capital investment in the project (factor assessment method); technology learning curve; change of specific capital investment in technological view/ pilot – all the topics were accompanied by calculation examples from district heating sector
DHS owners and staff, technical students
Business plan elaboration (Latvian); by Gints Turlajs, LatConsul Ltd.
4 hours
Meaning and place of business planning in business management, financial ratios, financial forecasts and planning, risk management, the meaning and drawing up of a business plan, valuation of business profitability: Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV), point of loss; financial sources, technically economic supply on an example basis
DHS owners and staff, technical students
Investment projects elaboration: challenges in the heating sector (Latvian); by Ingars Balcuns, Smart consulting Ltd.
2,5 hours
From the choice of strategy and decision-making to the financing of the project: affecting factors, stakeholders (municipal/ investor/ EU funds), choosing the optimal solution; development of technical economic justification/ feasibility: structure/ content of the technical economic feasibility study, required data, assessment/ calculation of alternatives; example of an investment project (from strategy to project implementation)
DHS owners and staff, technical students