Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Topics including Waste to Energy Aspects
Topic/ Language/ Author
RES and DH industry (Czech); by Ing. Martin Lisý Ph.D., VUT Brno
Training duration (hrs)
2 hours
Replacing fossil fuels with RES; energy characteristics of biomass and solid alternative fuels, the possibility of fuel substitution advanced gasification technology, wet and dry fermentation, modern solar technology, heat pumps
Training is suitable for
DHS operators
Requirements for BAT in terms of air protection (Czech); by Ing. Jiri Vecka, Ph.D., TSCR
1,5 hours
European and national legislation, requirements for medium combustion sources, requirements for large combustion sources, emission reduction technology, impact of energy on air in the Czech Republic, emission balance, economic intensity of emission reduction
DHS operators
WtE in heat supply (Czech); by Doc. Ing. Marek Baláš Ph.D., VUT Brno
1,5 hours
Energy recovery of waste in the area of heat supply; incinerator as a basic source of the heat supply system in urban agglomerations; solid municipal waste, trash, sludge and industrial waste; composition and properties of mixed municipal waste, seasonal influences, effects of separation of waste components and sorting; waste heat utilization, combustion boilers, pollution of heating surfaces, chlorine corrosion, ways of protection of heat exchange tubes, choice of steam parameters, material requirements
DHS operators
Current situation in EU climate and energy policy and legislation (Czech); by Ing. Pavel Zámyslický, MoE
0,5 hour
The latest news in the EU climate and energy policy and legislation; IV. Trading period (2021-30) and revision of EU ETS; modernization and Innovation Fund; EU Long-term Low Emission Strategy (LTS); possibilities for reconciling the competitive environment in the heating industry and creating motivation to invest in energy savings and the use of RES
Business support staff
MIT's view of meeting the target of using RES in 2030 in the DH sector (Czech); by Ing. Pavel Jirásek, MIT
1 hour
Current share of renewable energy and a previous development, the MIT's position in meeting the objectives of using renewable energy sources by 2030 in the heating and cooling sector; basic principles of creating a climate-energy plan and setting the target of RES for the Czech Republic; basic information on the draft Energy Union Governance Regulation
DHS operators
Clean Energy Package for All Europeans, Amendment to the Energy Act (Czech); by Ing. Martin Hájek Ph.D., TSCR
1 hour
A plan of legislative work for 2019 - The Clean Energy Legislative Package for All Europeans, the Energy Union Governance Regulation - National climate and energy plans, the RES Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive - 2030 climate and energy framework, EED - Articles 9a, 9b, 9c - heat measurement, Articles 10a, 11a, Annex VIIa - Heat billing
Managerial staff
Amendment to the Decree on Damage to Forests (Czech); by Ing. Daniela Paterová, United Energy, a.s.
0,5 hour
The results of the case claiming compensation for damage to forest stands caused by SO2 and NOx emissions
Managerial staff
Experience with the use of biomass in TTS energo (Czech); by Ing. Martin Janík, TTS energo
1,5 hours
The experience of using biomass in TTS energo Trebic
DHS operators
Analysis of biomass potential in the Czech Republic (Czech); by prof. Ing. Jaroslav Knápek CSc., ČVUT Praha
1 hour
An overview of available RES in the Czech Republic and factors influencing biomass potential, economy of energy crops
DHS operators
Biomass in the region and its economy - current prospects for biogas (Czech); by Ing. Vladimír Papaj and Ing. Luboš Nobilis
1,5 hours
Potential of agricultural biomass for energy purposes in the Czech Republic; Biomass Action Plan in the Czech Republic; current use of biofuels in the DH sector, the current prospects for the use of biogas in the Czech Republic compared to other European countries
DHS operators
Waste heat potential in the Czech Republic, barriers to its use and possible solutions (Czech); by Doc. Ing. Ondřej Vojáček Ph.D., IREAS Energy
1,5 hours
Future of the use of mixed municipal waste, MBT facilities, waste legislation and recycling
DHS operators
Experience with biomass combustion in ŠKO-ENERGO (Czech); by Ing. Michael Mák, ŠKO-ENERGO
1 hour
Description of a specific pilot project for biomass combustion of ŠKO-ENERGO
DHS operators
Experience with the use of biomass and waste in Plzeňská teplárenská (Czech); by Ing. Jan Skřivánek, Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s.
1 hour
DHS Pilsen - experience with co-combustion of biomass in DHS Plzeň and use with WtE technology
DHS operators
Experience with energy recovery of waste in Veolia Group (Czech); by Michal Stieber Ph.D., Veolia Využití odpadů ČR
1,5 hours
The potential and utilization of waste heat from industry, energy and financial savings, environmental protection, barriers to waste heat use and recommendations for investors
DHS operators
Amendment to the Act on Supported Energy Sources (Czech); by Ing. Pavel Jirásek, MIT
1 hour
Amendment to the Act on Supported Energy Sources, modification of operating support for the construction of new plants in individual sectors (electricity and heat)
Managerial staff
Waste heat utilization potential in the Czech Republic (Czech); by Ondřej Vojáček and Jan Brabec, NCEÚ
1 hour
Waste heat potential in the Czech Republic, CE HEAT project: increasing the use of waste heat in Central European regions; waste heat potential in Europe; use of waste heat; technology using waste heat; case study of biogas plant in Italy
Managerial staff