Technical Topics
Topic/ Language/ Author
Needed and delivered thermal energy for heating & Hydraulic balance of heating and cooling systems & Automated regulation in heating and cooling systems (Croatian); by Dr. sc. Igor Balen,, University of Zagreb
Training duration (hrs)
8 hours
Energy renovationy of buildings and their impact on DHS, hydraulic balancing of the termotechnical systems where water is a heat carrier, termotechnical regulation and its impact on DHS and heat losses calculations in buildings (and DHS)
Training is suitable for
DHS operators, technical staff, engineers
Heat storage - TETO Zagreb & Seasonal storage - water pit & Thermal storage (Croatian); by Dr. sc. Mislav Cehil,, Univeristy of Zagreb
6 hours
Heat storage and their application in DHS, explanation about heat storage and different types of heat storage, relevant steps in heat storage design, overview of prices of heat storage installation
DHS operators, technical staff, engineers
Hydraulic calculation of pipes & Transitional phaenomenon in pipe systems & Pumps & Pipeline replacement strategy (Croatian); by Dr. sc Zdravko Virag, & Dr. sc. Mario Savar,, University of Zagreb
12 hours
Hydraulic pipeline calculations strictly from the technical point of view, detailed technoeconomic analysis of pipeline replacement
DHS operators, technical staff, engineers