Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Topics including Waste to Energy Aspects
Topic/ Language/ Author
Solar radiation & Types of solar collectors and solar heating systems & Calculation methods for yearly energy production from solar collectors & Appliance of solar heating systems in industry & Solar heating systems design (Croatian); by Dr. sc. Damir Dovic,, University of Zagreb
Training duration (hrs)
8 hours
Solar thermal collectors and different types, solar thermal systems and different types, calculation methods for heat production from solar systems, solar thermal systems in industry and solar thermal systems design
Training is suitable for
DHS operators, technical staff, engineers
Tools for feasibility evaluation of solar heating & Big Solar Graz & Good examples of solar heating systems in Austria and Denmark & Techno-economic analysis of integration of solar heating systems in Zapresic and Velika Gorica & Solar District Heating - inspiration and experiences from Denmark (Croatian); by Dr. sc. Goran Krajacic,, University of Zagreb
6 hours
Feasibility studies for several DHS in Croatia with advantages and disadvantages, improving existing feasibility studies, examples of good practice in solar energy in Austria and Denmark, feasibility analysis tools for quick and easy comparisons between alternative system configurations, technoeconomic analysis of integration of solar thermal collectors in Zapresic
DHS operators, technical staff, engineers